
Welcome to the LightField Forum!
We believe that there should be a place for LightField photographers and enthusiasts to talk and exchange themselves, and present their favourite LightField pictures.
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Pages: 1 2 3 4
Status Topic Title Started by Replies Views Last post
Normal topic LightField displays   xavi 0 1367 by xavi
on 2015/10/07 12:33
Normal topic Impact of Automation Proposal    Youngb -1 2
Normal topic Best Apps for Task Automation    Adamsb -1 1
Normal topic The difference between solar panel, solar battery, solar charger??   weijing3333 -1 6
Normal topic Lytro app not connecting to camera (1st gen)   cesardeluxe 6 1633 by cesardeluxe
on 2015/08/04 21:47
Normal topic Remote Shutter Release, First Generation Lytro   photoshine99 0 1372 by photoshine99
on 2015/07/26 21:34
Normal topic What is the meaning of some parameters in "Frame Metadata"   meka 0 1285 by meka
on 2015/03/05 10:49
Normal topic OLYMPUS SZH stereo microscope etched lower lense pair   Stenman 0 1451 by Stenman
on 2015/02/08 15:08
Normal topic eye-tracking?   gtoal 0 1300 by gtoal
on 2015/01/04 03:20
Normal topic some lfr files on SD card have lfp with them, many not   HPH 0 1315 by HPH
on 2015/01/01 00:33
Normal topic lytro LF depth of field   Robert 1 1702 by vnelson
on 2014/12/21 22:49
Normal topic Assertion failed! Visual C++ Runtime Library    HPH 1 1311 by HPH
on 2014/12/20 21:28
Normal topic Lytro anaglyph export   Machine1985 2 1338 by Machine1985
on 2014/12/19 00:51
Normal topic Lytro Photography through Microscope   jmseight 1 1934 by albercook
on 2014/11/30 22:38
Normal topic Kitchen Offers Reviews   sanjiblack22 -1 1
Normal topic Open Light Field Camera   mike eng 0 1606 by mike eng
on 2014/11/02 18:25
Normal topic Lytro with Fisheye Converter   jmseight 0 1897 by jmseight
on 2014/05/31 05:00
Normal topic Attaching wide angle converter to Lytro   jmseight 2 2367 by markus
on 2014/05/30 12:39
Normal topic Panasonic patents light field sensor with 100% chip resolution    RCynic 0 1807 by RCynic
on 2014/05/19 15:30
Normal topic Light field image of optically thin flame   fraffan 1 1660 by markus
on 2014/04/30 05:37
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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