Video: How to Completely Take Apart a Lytro LightField Camera

If you’re trying to take apart your Lytro LightField Camera, we have a couple of interesting How To articles available here. But what if you want to go a bit further?

Jason Wolf, who earlier documented the Lytro disassembly process down to the major camera parts, has created an 11 minute video that shows you, in full detail, how to completely disassemble Lytro’s LightField Camera.

Video: How to Completely Take Apart a Lytro LightField Camera Completely

While Jason goes down to the individual lenses, mainboard and electronic shutter, we don’t recommend using a pipe wrench on your lens system if you’d like to use your camera again. ;)

Check out the full video after the break:

As mentioned in the video, please keep in mind that it’s very hard to put the camera back together after complete disassembly – especially with the ribbon cables!

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