Lytro Camera: A German Review after 11 Months of Use

Axel Schuch: German Lytro-Review after 11 Months of Use About a month ago, Lytro’s LightField Camera celebrated its first birthday. On this occasion, Axel Schuch from Germany – one of the very first Lytro users out there – has put together a report of his experiences after 11 months of creative private and professional use. Axel takes a look at Lytro’s first steps and then continues to talk about his own projects, including the augmentation with various accessories and an exhibition with 70-inch touchscreens.

Lytro Kamera Erfahrungsbericht – Echt Scharf… diese Unschärfe

The article is available only in German, but a rough machine translation conveys most of his experiences to English-speaking readers.

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