Ren Ng: No iPhone or other Smartphone with Lytro Technology for now

Ren Ng, founder of Lytro (Photo: Christina Bonnington/ We recently reported that Apple is interested in LightField Technology, possibly for integration into a future iPhone. However, we’ve found an interview in which Lytro Founder Ren Ng denied such a possibility for the next few years.

In the article, in which he talks mainly about his vision for photography of the future, he also answers the question whether we will be seeing Lytro’s LightField technology in smartphones or anywhere else soon.
Ng put it this way: “Smartphone technological innovation is really essential and is straight applicable to light field technological innovation, but as a startup, our focus at this stage is just on our very own camera for now.”

Is this the end of rumors about a LightField powered iPhone 5 or iPhone 6? No, there’s still hope: Due to Apple’s very strict secrecy policies, Ren Ng’s answer would be exactly the way he would be forced to answer, even if Lytro and Apple were already testing a functioning device.


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