Tagged: all in focus

Lytro: 3D and Parallax by End of Year 1

Lytro: 3D and Parallax by End of Year

We’ve seen Lytro-Demos of single-lens single-shot and before, but the company wasn’t very specific regarding the time-frame for a general public release. Now, it seems that Lytro is willing to show commitment to these...

Lytro LightField Photography: Hanlin Goh talks about independent Data Processing 0

Lytro LightField Photography: Hanlin Goh talks about independent Data Processing

The concept and details of LightField Photography can be a bit overwhelming when you first come into contact with the topic. If you’ve ever wondered how the Lytro LightField Camera works in detail, and...

LFP File Reader: Python Scripts to Read, View and Export Lytro Living Pictures 2

LFP File Reader: Python Scripts to Read, View and Export Lytro Living Pictures

LFP File Reader is a set of Python scripts by Behnam Esfahbod to help you work with LightField pictures outside of . The Python library contains a total of 8 scripts that will allow...

Lytro Hack: Create all-in-focus pictures using lfpsplitter and Python Script 0

Lytro Hack: Create all-in-focus pictures using lfpsplitter and Python Script

Interactive refocus is nice, but it’s just one of the possibilities of LightField photography. Another feature that LightField fans seem anxious about is “all in focus” – a combination of all the sharp parts...

The Future of Photography: Ren Ng speaks at TEDxSanJoseCA 0

The Future of Photography: Ren Ng speaks at TEDxSanJoseCA

Lytro CEO recently gave a presentation at TEDxSanJoseCA 2012. He talked about the history of photography (all the way back to 1839 and Louis Daguerre), the first steps in LightField Photography (“a room full...

Taking Lytro pictures through a microscope – first attempt 1

Taking Lytro pictures through a microscope – first attempt

There is no doubt that the new possibilities of LightField photography (including software refocus, and 3D extrapolation) will come in handy in light microscopy. One question we’ve been asking us ever since Lytro introduced...