Category: How To

Lytro Desktop Software: Keyboard Shortcuts 0

Lytro Desktop Software: Keyboard Shortcuts

If you’re like us, you like to replace the tedious process of moving that cursor to the correct position and clicking the mouse button over and over again for the same function. Instead, we...

Lytro.Net: Easily view and extract .LFP LightField Pictures from your Lytro Camera 0

Lytro.Net: Easily view and extract .LFP LightField Pictures from your Lytro Camera

We recently showed you how to extract all the available information from .LFP files using Nirmal Patel’s lfptools/lfpsplitter. If you’re just interested in the compressed JPG stacks that are included in the -stk.lfp files...

Virtual machines: A possible way to run Lytro’s Mac software on a Windows PC [How to] 0

Virtual machines: A possible way to run Lytro’s Mac software on a Windows PC [How to]

According to several studies, Macs only take up about 9 % of the personal computer market share, the other 91 % more or less go to Windows. This is probably why there is such...

How to automatically insert Lytro Living Pictures into WordPress articles 0

How to automatically insert Lytro Living Pictures into WordPress articles

if you’d like to add lytro living images to your wordpress articles in a fast and easy way, we have a quick and easy solution for you! just open your theme’s functions.php file (if...

How to build your own LightField Camera for less than 10 Dollars 4

How to build your own LightField Camera for less than 10 Dollars

Would you like to convert your digital SLR into a full-fledged LightField camera? What if I told you that it costs less than 10 US-Dollars, and only takes a few minutes? ComputationalPhoto has released...