Light L16: Camera Startup announces multi-aperture computational camera with 16 camera modules

The quality of a DSLR in a camera that fits in your pocket – that’s what camera startup Light promises with the just announced L16, the world’s first multi-aperture computational compact camera, which is made up of 16 individual camera modules.

Light L16: Camera Startup announces multi-aperture computational camera with 16 camera modules

The face of the smartphone-sized 5-inch touch-screen device contains 16 camera modules at different focal lengths (five 35 mm modules, five 70 mm modules, and six 150 mm modules), each watching the world at slightly different angles with their 13 Megapixel sensors. The bigger modules actually use folded optics, with light redirected through a mirror, to fit into the slim device.
Light L16: Camera Startup announces multi-aperture computational camera with 16 camera modules When you press the shutter, according to Light, up to 16 pictures are recorded at once depending on your zoom setting, and blended into a combined picture with up to 52 Megapixels resolution. Since each lens catches a slightly different perspective, computational photography allows for post-capture image modifications including software refocus and synthetic aperture (variable depth of field). Multiple simultaneous pictures at individually adjusted exposures also promise better low-light performance.

Preliminary specs from the websites linked below mention 128 GB of internal storage and a battery that will last for about 400 pictures. The camera will run a modified version of Android and sport WiFi connectivity for easy picture sharing.

The Light L16 will start to ship in late summer 2016 at a price point of 1,699 US-$, and can be preordered for a limited time at the reduced price tag of 1,299 US-$. Shipping and preorders are currently limited to the United States.

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1 Response

  1. Darksome says:

    Zajímavý koncept. Nicméně, na infrared se to bude přestavovat dost špatně a to je pro mě stěžejní.

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