A Method for Panorama LightField Imaging

Overview: Creation process of a Panorama LightField Picture (picture: Birklbauer and Bimber 2012) Not too long ago, the possibility to create LightField pictures with a mass-produced consumer camera sounded like dreams of the future. This was only the first step, though, and we’re looking forward to other popular imaging techniques (e.g. HDR and panorama imaging) to be augmented by LightField technology.
In a publication from 2012, computer scientists Clemens Birklbauer and Oliver Bimber from Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria presented a first approach towards creating Panorama LightField Images.

Panorama LightField Imaging: Rendered 22 Megapixel images from a LightField Panorama (picture: Birklbauer and Bimber 2012)

The authors first created focal stacks from synthetic aperture reconstruction of overlapping LightField pictures. From these stacks, all in focus images were computed, which were in turn blended and stitched using common panorama techniques. Obtained registration and blending parameters were then applied to all focal stack images, creating seamlessly blended panorama focal stacks which could be converted back into a LightField.

Raw data for the 2.5 Gigaray Panorama LightField (22 Megapixel effective resolution) was provided by Raytrix.

More information: Birklbauer, C. and Bimber, O., Panorama LightField Imaging, ACM Siggraph, 2012

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2 Responses

  1. amitkasanaktr@gmail.com says:

    can you plz tell me how to use Light Field Toolbox for my image STITCHING……

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