Lytro Sample LFP Files for Download

Some of you have asked us for raw samples of LFP-files, so you can play around with them before you get your own Lytro LightField Camera.
Update 2014-04-25: Please note that these files were recorded with Lytro’s 1st-Gen. Light Field Camera, not the new Lytro Illum.

Lytro Sample LFP Files for Download

The camera saves images in the LFP file format, such as IMG_0001.lfp. These files contain all the raw data and some additional Metadata.
When you import the images to the Lytro Desktop Software, files named according to the scheme IMG_0001-stk.lfp are created. These are basically your “developed” and compressed LightField pictures that allow for quick, resource-saving refocussing.

With these files and the right tools, you’ll be able to extract the raw photo data, metadata and stack JPEGs:

You can download the files here:

Lytro Sample Image: IMG_0017

  IMG_0007.lfp (15.4 MiB, 6,265 hits)
Raw .LFP sample file (Lytro LightField Picture File Format)

  IMG_0007-stk.lfp (1.2 MiB, 3,477 hits)
Computed Stack -stk.LFP sample file (Lytro LightField Picture File Format)

Lytro Sample Image: IMG_0007

  IMG_0017.lfp (15.4 MiB, 4,702 hits)
Raw .LFP sample file (Lytro LightField Picture File Format)

  IMG_0017-stk.lfp (943.2 KiB, 2,847 hits)
Computed Stack -stk.LFP sample file (Lytro LightField Picture File Format)

Lytro Sample Image: IMG_0027

  IMG_0019.lfp (15.4 MiB, 4,284 hits)
Raw .LFP sample file (Lytro LightField Picture File Format)

  IMG_0019-stk.lfp (1.7 MiB, 2,859 hits)
Computed Stack -stk.LFP sample file (Lytro LightField Picture File Format)

Lytro Sample Image: IMG_0019

  IMG_0027.lfp (15.4 MiB, 3,785 hits)
Raw .LFP sample file (Lytro LightField Picture File Format)

  IMG_0027-stk.lfp (1.5 MiB, 2,585 hits)
Computed Stack -stk.LFP sample file (Lytro LightField Picture File Format)

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8 Responses

  1. Rufus says:

    And how is it possible to import the Files to Lytro Desktop?

  2. TheKoala says:

    Whenever I tried to import my pictures like you said to create the -stk.lfp files they would always remain normal .lfp pictures. Can you give me any more details on how to do that please? I use windows.

  3. Daniel says:

    Hi I’m having trouble finding the -stk.lfp files. And when I tried to run lfpsplitter with a .lfp image, it returned an image filled with noise. Can someone give me a hand? Thanks

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