Welcome to Austria, Germany and Switzerland, Lytro!

Today is the first day that fans of photography and new technology in Austria, Germany and Switzerland can officially get their hands on one of Lytro’s Light Field Cameras.

The company has just published their German support section, but noted that for now, “email support and live chat support from Lytro Support is still *English only*”.

Welcome to Austria, Germany and Switzerland, Lytro!

If you’re a German native-speaker, go ahead and find out about the features and possibilies that the Lytro camera offers, in your own language!

More news regarding the European Lytro launch will follow tomorrow!

If you’re living in one of these European countries and interested in buying a Lytro camera, have a look at our list of vendors for Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

Full disclosure: We assisted Lytro in building the German documentation.

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