Lytro Announces First International LightField Photo Contest

Fission - Living Picture by CNF Here’s a little tidbit for Lytro users around the world: Lytro is looking for the best LightField pictures in the world, and will give away a total prize money of 1,500 USD to find them.

Earlier this week, Lytro has announced their first ever international LightField photography contest. In contrast to previous contests and raffles, where only US residents were allowed to participate, the new photo contest is open to anyone aged 18 or older.
If your LightField picture makes it to the top 5 entries (based on votes and judges evaluation), you’ll receive 250 USD of trophy money. The best of the finalists will get double the money (i.e. 500 $ total) and an invitation to join Lytro’s Pro Shooter Program.

For fans who don’t own a LightField camera, Lytro will run a special sweepstakes for voters and give away Lytro cameras.

The contest starts on Wednesday, May 1st 2013. You’re free to use any of Lytro’s camera features (including Living Filters, Perspective Shift and Manual Controls). To enter your LightField picture, you’ll need either a Facebook- or Twitter account.
We’ll keep you posted on updates and more details.

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7 Responses

  1. pleecan says:

    Is there a link to click to submit entries to Lytro photo contest?

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