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Lytro: Windows Software in Beta Testing Phase

Lytro: Windows Software in Beta Testing Phase Back in April, Lytro hinted that the development of the Lytro Desktop Software for Windows is a top priority. Since then we couldn’t find any more information concerning time-frame or development progress.

In the answer to a recent facebook enquiry, Lytro support has now confirmed that the Windows software is already being Beta-tested (since at least the beginning of the month).

The bad news: It’s a closed Beta test, and they’re not looking for any more testers.
The good news: We now know that the Windows software is already more or less functional, and that’s a good thought to hang on to for the remaining time.

We do already have beta testers working with us, but do not have plans to expand that program to include more testers right now. Thanks for your patience.
It is a top priority, we are beta testing currently, and we will share a release date as soon as we have one to share.


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