Lytro Illum on Offer, 300 Euro below Standard Price

Have you been waiting for the Lytro Illum price to drop before you buy? Now may be your chance: An Italian seller has just undercut the official list price by 300 Euro, and is currently selling Lytro’s flagship camera for 1299.99 Euro plus 25 Euros for shipping within Europe (edit: while the offer is also valid overseas, higher shipping cost applies).

Lytro Illum on Offer, 300 Euro below Standard Price

Since this is the first time we’ve seen the Lytro Illum go for much less than 1599 Euros, we’re not sure the offer will stay for long. If you’re interested, seize the chance and get your cheap Illum from the Amazon Marketplace!

Note: If the link takes you just to the standard offer, click through to “Other Sellers on Amazon” in the lower right.

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