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Pages: 1
Author Topic: Has anyone tried making panos?

Posts: 1
Re: Has anyone tried making panos?
on: 2015/05/06 05:24

On this site, there's a blog post that discusses how someone did it. (I can't seem to capture the link at the moment, but I'm sure you could turn it up in a Google search.) I didn't see any mention of software or how we might actually do it.

I was wondering, for times where you might want to extract a bit more resolution for printing, if it might make sense to produce a pano in the traditional way, after producing a couple of jpegs from the Lytro files. Obviously, this means you'd have to plan ahead and try to frame two adjacent and overlapping shots when you think you might want to preserve more resolution. You can zoom in more and take more shots, and get the "same view" as if you took one shot with a wider angle. (This is sometimes called the "bokehrama" technique, because you can produce a stronger bokeh effect. It really works nicely with a regular camera, if you can get things aligned.)

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