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Author Topic: Lytro Illum: Shutter Lag ought to be zero? True?

Posts: 1
Lytro Illum: Shutter Lag ought to be zero? True?
on: 2014/04/30 01:08

New to the Lytro world here besides reading about the 1st gen camera from day one. never owned the 1st gen camera though.

However, with the new Illum, I did decide to place my pre-order.

I have a question, please:

- as both the 1st gen Lytro and this new Illum do not need to focus, does that mean that shutter lag or focusing lag is zero? i.e. pressing the shutter actuation button will immediately take a picture?

if that is indeed true, i.e. no shutter lag whatsoever, wouldn't this be great for pet photography or anything that is trying to capture speed? my dog is very fast and tough to photograph, typically, but this might be great for it as it would capture the moment sans any lag.

look forward to your replies. thanks in advance.

Posts: 68
Re: Lytro Illum: Shutter Lag ought to be zero? True?
on: 2014/04/30 05:29

firstly, please note that we're an independent light field tech forum, not the official Lytro support.

That being said, I believe the answer is both yes and no:
The 1st gen Lytro Camera really doesn't need any focus adjustment in Everyday Mode, so there is in fact zero shutter lag.
The Lytro Illum, on the other hand, does have an Autofocus button and focus control ring. Engadget writes:

If you're wondering why there's a focusing ring on a camera that lets you refocus the image after the fact, well, it's because depending on the depth of field, there might not be a lot of difference between the foreground and the background. If you turn on the Illum's depth-assist histogram, however, you'll be able to see a depth overlay that color codes things that are up close and in the refocusing range in green, and things that are at the far edge of the range in orange. Ideally, what you want is a nice gradient of green to orange for the most amount of depth and to maximize the drama in your shots.

Thus, it sounds to us as if we'll be given more refocus control for every shot, as with the Creative Mode (tap to set center of refocus) on the 1st gen camera - which may also mean that there will be a shutter lag.

Hope this helps!

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