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We believe that there should be a place for LightField photographers and enthusiasts to talk and exchange themselves, and present their favourite LightField pictures.
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Author Topic: Your favourite LightField Photo

Posts: 68
Your favourite LightField Photo
on: 2013/01/08 02:20

If you could choose one - and only one - of your own LightField pictures to show to the world, which one would it be?
To show us your absolutely favourite LightField photo, click the little Lytro symbol just above the reply field and copy&paste its URL in between the brackets:

If possible, explain why you chose that image and what makes it special to you!

lens array
Posts: 78
Re: Your favourite LightField Photo
on: 2013/01/13 13:33

This is the first successful application of home made Dark Field Imaging of PL-Zeiss-Lytro construct (Dec 29, 2012) of Plenoptic microscope inspired by Stanford and Harvard Plenoptic research....

Image is of the tip of the mouth apparatus of common house fly. The slide is from a commercial source as a test subject to prove out the optics.

Peter Lee

lens array
Posts: 78
Re: Your favourite LightField Photo
on: 2013/01/13 13:43

Shortly after the creation of the PL-Zeiss-Lytro prototype construct... I built PL-Beck-Lytro Plenoptic Metallurgical Microscope to successfully image in Reflective light: Again the same specimen test slide as above .

Image is of the tip of the mouth apparatus of common house fly. The slide is from a commercial source as a test subject to prove out the optics. I also use an innovative pulsed flash technique to capture the image.

Peter Lee

lens array
Posts: 78
Re: Your favourite LightField Photo
on: 2013/01/13 13:50

My 3rd Lytro configuration consist of Lytro-Sigma Macro prototype construct and employed a Close up lens from Sigma AML-1 used for their DP1/2 Foveon cameras. The specimen is a fish fossil Lycoptera approximately 40mm.....

Peter Lee

Posts: 3
Re: Your favourite LightField Photo
on: 2016/09/19 08:04

An early shot, whilst I was still exploring.

It was my first attempt at an image that really made use of stacking and re-focus.

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