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Pages: 1
Author Topic: Display interactive and refocusable Lytro Pictures, offline and software-independent

Posts: 68
Display interactive and refocusable Lytro Pictures, offline and software-independent
on: 2012/08/30 16:55

Q: Is there any possibility of displaying Lytro pictures in a separate (offline) project in full resolution?

I think it is possible, with two requirements:

    Browser-based execution (works online and offline)
    Extraction of the Stack-Images in full resolution of 1080x1080

Hanlin Goh from France has developed a jquery-based Javascript for dynamic refocus in dependance of the cursor position (i.e. without clicking).

If you modify the script (you'll also need the Depth Lookup Table from the lfp stack file), you should be able to display and show off your own LightField pictures in 1080x1080.

A possible alternative is the following HTML5 Proof of Concept:

lens array
Posts: 78
Re: Display interactive and refocusable Lytro Pictures, offline and software-independent
on: 2012/09/17 16:36

Nice work Hanlin!

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