Refocus: Linux Tool zum Auswerten von RAW Lytro-Bildern

Refocus: Linux Tool zum Auswerten von RAW Lytro-Bildern In unserem Forum gibt es seit kurzem einen Leckerbissen für alle Linux User: Forum-Nutzer/in ebina1 hat ein kleines Linux-Tool mit uns geteilt, das Auswertung und Refokus von Lytro RAW Bilder (die über lfpsplitter extrahiert werden können) erlaubt.

I wrote a short program to process the raw data the lfpsplitter extracts from the .lfp file (not the -stk.lfp).
It lets you generate individual images focused at different depths. The pictures aren’t quite as good as what you get out of the Mac software, but still fun if you want to play with refocusing images.
The source is here:

  Refocus (Linux tool) (19.3 KiB, 2,555 hits)
Small Linux program to refocus extracted Lytro RAW image files.

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Refocus Program.

Read a raw data file as generated by lfpsplitter when run on the .lfp file from your lytro camera.
So first parameter is image.raw.
Second parameter is the focus that you want on the image.
Ren Ng’s dissertation has a focusing formula of u(1 – 1/a), v(1 – 1/a) where a is the alpha value. That alpha value is the third parameter to refocus.

So “refocus image.raw 1.0” would show you the image focused on the camera’s true focus plane.
To move the focus plane further from the camera, a has to decrease towards 0.0.
Likewise to focus towards the camera, you start at -1.0, and the closer you get to -0.0 the closer your focus plane is to the camera.

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3 Antworten

  1. Now we need it for other Operative Systems… When is going to be available?

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